What is the difference between an artist and an art-gardener? Between a Museum and a Art-Vivarium? Between Contemporary Art and the Floraissance?

To open the book please click here. 

The Floraissance is not an one man project, but is been cultvated as a collective culture. For this book, 30 different people wrote about what is the Floraissance in they own field of experience: a lawyer about the Floraissancee Law, a doctor about the Floraissance Heling, and so on.

You can find some texts here. 

How the Floraissance can be without it own form of literature? “Two lovers that love, but don’t move - Floraissance Literature”.

To open the book please click here. 

It’s possible to cultuvate the art-nature? How long it takes? We know when a tomato crop is alive, how to cultivate it, and how long it takes from seed to fruit. Do we know how to cultuvate the art-nature it-self? How to reconize if the art-nature is alive or dying? How long it takes?

To open the book please click here. 

Floraissance Education: how to cultivate the drawing process with kids. 

To open the book please click here.